Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Living Alone

Hi folks, have u ever wondered how it feels to stay alone in a new place all by urself. Well, i am going thru this phase n thought abt sharing it on my blog, coz therez one particular blogger who keeps complaining that i hardly write. I have lived all the 21 years of my life at home, being fed by mom's food, being pampered and enjoying all the possible comforts of home and freaking out with childhood friends. It was time i packed up my bags and prepared myself to face a new world. A world where career takes a serious turn in ur life and u need to give up on friends, family to a greater extent... But why? Jus coz u have to earn ur buck? work hard n keep ur superiors happy? Or rather keep ur parents happy by letting them relax for the rest of their lives? I'm not those kinds to give up on how i had been living all these years. I have greatly struck in a balance between my old days and these new ones. There wasn't a day in my life when i had to bother about my clothes being ready next morning for school or college. N now, i gotta keep everything right before it gets messy. Its quite a fast paced life n living alone can flip ur minds to get into consistent n everlasting gloom. But homiez, remember work n living alone is not all that life has to offer. Live for ur dreams, Live the way u want ur life to be shaped (n yeah mould it right), Live with desires of scaling heights and Live to be recognized as a "good" human being in the society... So go ahead n live ur lives, no matter alone or surrounded by all your loved ones. Until i write again, Chow!!!

3 Mentations:

Sameera Ansari said...

Someone is really thinking deeply these days.Ahem ahem.Great to see a balance has been struck!"Live for your dreams"...awesome post darling!Keep going.Love you so much.May God Bless You in every step you take.Muaaaaaaaaaaah!

WritingsForLife said...

yeah... i think i passed through that stage two years ago. I was never afraid, just apprehensive about the future.
I think living alone is a part of growing up. It develops your personality and makes you stronger, right? :)
Good luck!

Kabir said...

thanx for the comments Raaji, gud to know that u've been thru it n know wot exactly u as an individual are... As i said, Live it up n enjoy every moment of bein alone....!!!